I strongly feel that your System Folder is seriously unhealthy.
This folder could not be indexed.
File Tracker could not set up properly.
This folder could not be configured.
The data file in your System Folder appears to be corrupted.
This Action failed.
File Tracker is not correctly installed; both the File Tracker Extension and the File Tracker Controls items must be in your System folder for FT to function.
The File Tracker Assistant could not be used.
This item can no longer be watched.
This item's volume has become unavailable. Watching will resume when the volume becomes available.
Watching of this item has resumed, because its volume is now visible.
A fatal error occured.
The script attached to this item failed.
An Apple Event-related error occured.
That folder is already Watched.
You cannot watch an entire disk.
File Tracker cannot run on this Macintosh. You must be running System 7.0 or later to use File Tracker.
Your File Tracker Data file (located in your Preferences folder) is incompatible with this version of File Tracker. Please delete it and try again.
File Tracker is shutting down.
The File Tracker Data file is full. Please remove some Watched Items before adding more.